




Public health is expected to be a hot topic during the "two sessions," with experience and lessons derived from combating COVID-19 to be discussed.公共卫生将是全国两会的重要议题,会上还将讨论抗疫的经验和教训。
Hu Yu, a national political advisor and president of the Union Hospital in Wuhan, said the participants are expected to conduct in-depth discussions on how to fix the shortcomings in the country's major epidemic prevention and control mechanisms and the national public health system.全国政协委员、武汉协和医院院长胡豫说,两会期间将和其他代表委员聚焦补短板、堵漏洞、强弱项,围绕健全重大疫情防控体制机制和公共卫生体系等问题展开深入探讨。


The wording of the targets in the government work report this year, will be more closely watched than previous years as it will offer a glimpse into how the world's second-largest economy is handling the fallout of the COVID-19 epidemic.今年的政府工作报告将怎样确定经济社会发展目标成为备受关注的焦点,因为这个发展目标将会透露中国这个全球第二大经济体如何应对疫情的冲击。

In 2019, China reported a GDP growth of 6.1 percent, meeting the range target of 6-6.5 percent. Analysts expect this year's target will continue to be a feasible one, and with a slew of stronger counter-cyclical measures, China could achieve growth faster than that of all other major economies.2019年,我国报告的国内生产总值增长率为6.1%,达到了6-6.5%的发展目标。分析人士预计,今年的目标将继续维持在可行范围内,随着我国实行大量的更强有力的反周期政策,我国的发展速度将超过其他各个主要经济体。


China is in the final push to achieve the target of poverty eradication as the nation is entering the home stretch in realizing its first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in 2020.2020年是打赢脱贫攻坚战收官之年,也是全面建成小康社会这个百年奋斗目标的收官之年。脱贫攻坚战进入倒计时,正发起最后冲刺。
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in late 2012, the country has achieved significant progress in poverty reduction, with over 93 million rural people lifted out of poverty over seven years.自从2012年底的十八大以来,我国扶贫已经取得了重大成就,七年来帮助超9300万农村人口成功脱贫。
广西隆林各族自治县鹤城新区易地扶贫搬迁安置点。  新华社记者 张爱林 摄
There were still 5.51 million impoverished people by the end of last year. COVID-19 added to challenges with only about half a year left.截至去年年底,还有551万贫困人口未脱贫。现在时间只剩下半年,还有疫情带来的“加试题”考验。

The "two sessions" will pool the wisdom of national legislators and political advisors on how to fulfill the mission of eradicating absolute poverty and keep those who have been lifted out of poverty from returning to poverty.如何达到脱贫目标并防止返贫,两会期间将需要代表委员群策群力,建言献策。


Recent official data showed China's job market remained generally stable yet still under pressure in April, with the surveyed unemployment rate in urban areas standing at 6 percent, above the 2019 target of around 5.5 percent.最近的官方数据显示,四月份中国的就业市场总体保持稳定,但仍面临压力。城镇调查失业率为6%,高于2019年定下的5.5%的目标。
The government has pledged every effort to prevent massive lay-offs by using a combination of fiscal, monetary, social insurance and pro-employment policies. The upcoming "two sessions" are expected to further outline ways and means to ensure employment and people's livelihood.政府已经承诺尽一切努力结合使用财政、货币、社保和促进就业各种政策来防止大规模裁员。今年两会预期将推出更多方案来保障就业和民生。


Lawmakers this year will deliberate a draft civil code, moving closer to Chinese people's decades-long aspiration of having such a basic civil law.今年两会期间,十三届全国人大三次会议还将对国人期盼了几十年的民法典草案进行审议

Consisting of general provisions and six parts on property, contracts, personality rights, marriage and family, inheritance and torts liability, the draft has systematically integrated existing civil laws and regulations and modified them to adapt to new realities.由民法总则和民法典各分编草案“合体”而成并根据新的现实情况进行修改完善的民法典草案包括总则编以及物权编、合同编、人格权编、婚姻家庭编、继承编、侵权责任编

Once adopted, the civil code will greatly boost the modernization of China's system and capacity for governance, said Wang Yi, dean of the law school at Renmin University of China.





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